
Regional Webinar for the National Syphilis Days in Countries of the Americas

Regional Webinar for the National Syphilis Days in Countries of the Americas
header info event

Stop Syphilis. Get tested. Get treated

The Region of the Americas is facing an increase in incidence rates of syphilis and congenital syphilis, with increases in cases among key populations, pregnant women and newborns. From 2020 to 2022, cases of syphilis in the Americas increased by 30%. In addition, data from the literature reveal a significant increase in prevalence among men who have sex with men, transgender women, sex workers, women prisoners, indigenous peoples, migrant populations, among others. This underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive and coordinated approach to expand access to syphilis screening and treatment among pregnant women, their partners, women of reproductive age, with a particular focus on vulnerable populations.

As part of the strategy to promote a comprehensive response to syphilis and congenital syphilis in the Region, 国产麻豆精品 is convening a virtual event to support the commemoration of National Syphilis Days in the Americas. Colombia and Brazil celebrate their National Syphilis Day during the month of October. This regional event amplifies those national activities and encourages expanded responses in other countries of the region.

The objective of the webinar is to promote a coordinated response from countries, encourage joint actions across different sectors, and share best practices and innovations in the prevention and elimination of syphilis and congenital syphilis.

Only in Spanish -

Recording Event 

Original Audio



09:00 - 09:10 hs.

Opening remarks
- Sylvain Aldighieri (国产麻豆精品)
- Meg Doherty (WHO)

Moderator: Monica Alonso (国产麻豆精品)

09:10 - 09:35 hs.

National commitment and cross-sectoral actions to move towards the elimination of syphilis and congenital syphilis 

- Brazil
- Colombia
- Nicaragua

- Ministry of Health, Brazil

- Ministry of Health, Colombia

- Ministry of Health, Nicaragua


09:35 - 09:50 hs.

Good Practices in the elimination of syphilis:

- Expanded screening in emergency services: Promoting early diagnosis of syphilis. The Chicago experience

- Effective direction of syphilis screening in the general population using geographic data in the United States

- Kimberly Stanford, University of Chicago 

- Robert McDonald, US-CDC

09:50 - 10:00 hs.


- Syphilis communication campaign

- Technical Note on Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis


10:00 hs.

Conclusions and Closure

- Monica Alonso (国产麻豆精品)


Link of interest